Kientzler's charming rose
Numerous small rose-flowers in multiple shades of pink - this is LillyRose 'WONDER 5' from Kientzler.
The well-branching LillyRose 'WONDER 5' flowers by mid of May and continues to flower all over the summer. LillyRose is winter hardy, grows healthy and is well suited for combinations with other summer plants.
The well-branching LillyRose 'WONDER 5' flowers by mid of May and continues to flower all over the summer. LillyRose is winter hardy, grows healthy and is well suited for combinations with other summer plants.
Care tipps for your LillyRose 'WONDER 5':
LillyRose 'WONDER 5' is a very versatile compact growing rose which is suitable as bed and balcony plant as well as traditional garden plant. It starts to flower up from late may and preferrs a sunny location with rich soil. LillyRose shows great toughness against all kind of traditional rose diseases. No chemicals are needed. LillyRose 'WONDER 5' can be combined with other bedding and balcony plants to achive wonderful plant combiantions. Use compact growing varieties as partners to LillyRose so they do not overgrow the charming little rose. Plants that grow well together with LillyRose 'WONDER 5' : Gaura, Sanvitalia, or Diamond Frost |
Kientzler Gartenbau
Fon +49 (0)6727 93010
Disclaimer: by Kientzler |